STONEHAM – WAKEFIELD, MA- The Boys & Girls Clubs of Stoneham & Wakefield’s 5th annual Dodging for Dollars fundraiser kicks off tomorrow on Tuesday, October 26th and will run through mid-November. Dodging for Dollars is an annual fundraising event where community members and club supporters form teams and play fun, spirited games of dodgeball to raise money for the clubs.
Over 30 teams, over 200 players, have registered to play in this year’s event. To see top players, fundraisers, and the game schedule check out Currently, the Trachtenberg Family is leading all other teams and Marc Trachtenberg is the top fundraiser.
“When you play dodgeball you are replicating what our Clubs do for kids. When they’re at our Clubs they’re dodging negative influences and risky behaviors,” Director of Development & Dodging for Dollars Commissioner Anthony Guardia stated, he continued; “This is our first major fundraiser since COVID-19 and it is critical. Due to COVID-19 we don’t have as much unrestricted funds. We are not having our usual Fall Gala. Dodging for Dollars’ funds will be the funds we use to help vulnerable families during the holidays.”
In addition to the Dodging for Dollars Event, the Boys & Girls Clubs is also excited to announce its 2021 Festival of Trees holiday event on Sunday, November 21st, 2021 at MarketStreet in Lynnfield.
The event will be held at Lynnfield MarketStreet during their Holiday Stroll from 2pm-6pm. Visitors to the event are invited to view a winter wonderland of decorated trees and buy raffle tickets to enter to win and take one home for the holidays.
“Our Festival of Trees has always been a family-favorite annual event where local businesses, civic organizations and families donate decorated trees for visitors to enjoy and get into the spirit of the holidays. Starting with Stacey Curran-Conwa and Paula DiBartolomeo, now growing to MarketStreet Lynnfield. This will be a great way to support our Clubs while families enjoy some holiday cheer together. We want to thank MarketStreet Lynnfield for offering to host this year’s event, allowing us to have a safe, covered outdoor venue and providing us with additional exposure to our annual event. ” Anthony concluded.
For information about how to get involved with either event, contact Anthony Guardia at [email protected].